There exist no ideal period in life to go for long-term traveling, but in our opinion there exits a whole bunch of periods that are wrong not to go traveling! So here we go – traveling with smaller kids.
Traveling with Children
Taking time off the tread mile and traveling with our children is one of our best decisions. It is a privilege to spend so much time together as a family and to see the world from a child’s perspective. Our children grow up and learn to act in different environments and we are lucky to experience this from front row. Hopefully, they will look back at this trip and fall in love with the World and all the hospitality and kindness we meet – just as their parents have fallen in love with the World.
Compared to our life back in Denmark, we have spend more time looking at insects, visiting play grounds, playing hide and seek, looking at shooting starts, etc.
Our children open many doors especially in order to meet locals which is great fun for all four of us. We have more than once been invited home to locals while visiting a play ground or a super marked due to our children. They are happy most of the time, but sometimes especially Vilmer puts on his “no-hat” and misses his life back in Denmark.
Our children make sure we never oversleep and that we never get board – we can always clean up after them or patching a par of trousers.
Many things are not that different from back home. Just as we would do it at home, we try to do things so our children’s needs are taking care of. Most of the time we succeed and sometimes it goes wrong – just as it was at home.
We are often asked, if we are afraid to travel with smaller children. So fare, we have not been afraid and hopefully we can say the same when we are back in Denmark. We were used to travel before having children and we know you can get help everywhere if you need it. Of course, we do what we can in order to avoid coming in a situation where we need help – just as we would do back home – and we have of course taking different precautions such as vaccinations, travel pharmacy, etc.
However, it is more difficult to be sick when traveling especially when sleeping in a roof top tent and not having free acces to a washing machine. It is not fun having a child throw up in the middle of the night and not being able to wash the bedding right away or having to go to the toilet 20 times at night during European winter – just ask Bjørn.
Our worries are mainly concerning our loved ones back home. If something will happen to them while we are away.
Hard Work
It is hard work to travel with smaller children – and sometimes also much harder than we imagined. The most difficult thing for us, as parents, is that we are together 24-7 and that it can be very difficult to combine quality time with our children and practical things like Bjørns work, planning our trip, working on the car, cooking, driving in the car etc. It is something we still need to be better at. Especially because our children are only 2 and 4 years old. They still need our attention most of the time. We do not have much time on our own – this also includes going to the toilet. The only “Nanny” we have is DVD movies and two iPads…and you guys also use that back home.
The decision to travel with children was easy for us, but the reality is harder. However, we would still recommend everybody to travel as much as possible with your children – also with smaller kids.